Monday, August 12, 2013


Thinking what to write about thinking. I want to write about this to see how complicated and uselss my thinking can be at times.  I think quite a lot before doing anything. I have always been like that may be. My thinking leads to well planning. My thinking makes me clear on my course of action. My thinking at times also screws my mind completely. And those times I force myself to sleep for hours till I relax my mind.

Thinking too much is unhealthy I feel, atleast it has made me quite unhealthy at times coz I end up thinking too much.  I end up thinking the same things again and again. Yes I am blessed to do that. Specially on useless things and people who matter the least in Life. I let myself get impacted by useless thinking. Probably this kind of useless thinking is also because I have lot of time these days. I'm on a break from job for the last 7 months.May be this easy time adds on to the junk thoughts.
I call my friends without thinking twice, I thank people without thinking too much. I put no effort If I should be nice to someone. I talk my heart out to my dear ones without thinking. Lot of good happens to me because of my thinking.
But the sad part is when my thinking impacts me negatively. May be I'm getting into mood swings and I just want a reason to be sad or lie low and think bad. I end up nurturing my mind with all bad thoughts, sulk in the ugly thoughts, cry a bit, stay aloof for a while, sleep like a log all for no reason. I then force myself to talk to a dear one on the mood swings and they turn out to be my angels who help me recover from the mood swings by just speaking to me for few mins. :) The crave for some love and pamper makes me force myself onto someone for help and I do get it.

I read books or see some happy time pics or write something to pep up my mood and go on a jog or a long walk and try different things to get me back to my normal happy self. But at times I need someone to do the magic for me.
I had a small mood swing and a dear friend spoke to me and made me realize what a happy and bubbly girl I'm always.My husband reassured how perfect and nice my life is and said few nice things to just make me happy and smile :) Read a dear friend's blog who is just so wonderful at writing and telling stories. :)

I will continue my thinking and try to keep myself out of stupid thoughts all for my own good.
I'm just thinking, am I the only one to feel this way or is this a common phenomenon :):)