Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sister my lovely Sister!

She has been a parent to me. She has been a friend to me, she has cared for me like a friend, she has laughed with me madly, she has wiped my tears when I was down. She has taught me lots, she has spent on me lots, Shouted on me when i was wrong and even slapped me when I would doze of while studying.
she has loved me the most and She has been a best friend to me. She has been strict when needed and I have worried to tell her something when I have done wrong, She has brought me up and she still thinks I'm a kid for her, She has promised me things and done them for me, She has made me cry like crazy when she married and went away from me.she is the one I rely on most and fall back for suggestions. She wants to shop only with me and she wants me to be with her on every single holiday.When the world turns its back on me, she is infact the only one to be there for me.

I love her the most and she loves me the most and yes she turns an year old/young today.

Love you my sister and I'm sure no one can have a better sister than mine and i'm lucky to have you as my sis..

Happy Happy Birthday!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011


Such fond memories rolling through my mind on this special day. Not sure for what reason but am getting reminded of my very close friends from my school days and feeling so happy, Deepti and Rekha.Its such a nice realization that Happiness/Sadness is just a state of mind. So very true.

Just the thought of my friends and the amazing times we have spent together is keeping me happy this day.
Such special and fond memories with my friends..

On this special day we had even been to a long trip from School for 10 days to North India in 1997.

And then came the good times with Mony and Priyanka.. though we studied only 2 yrs together, we have had the best times together. 3 different natured gals having a gala time everytime we meet. And the trend continues even now. All these girls are so special, that I can be 200% 'ME' when am with them.
And I hope someday I even get to work with these gals.

The long calls even after spending the whole day together at School/college, Long chats on terrace right after we come back home, those badminton and carom sessions at home, combined studies, lovely eat outs, those giggling times (apparently we had no reason but we would just burst out laughing, missing it badly in life now). Shopping together on Commercial street, eating together, late night talks till 4am.. Gosh.. what not! have had the best times in life.
Just thankful to God for sending such Angels in my life.

Friends are not the 500+ on FaceBook but they are the ones who you can count on your fingers and rely on them all your life.. Am lucky to have these gals in life.. Love you all :):)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Deepawali 2011

A day well planned but not well executed. :P
Had a day off on 26th and had planned to cook lots, do puja, and have the festival environment, but all of it was spoilt by Ra One first day first show. An average movie.. wasted 6 hrs of the beautiful day... Had lunch outside on festival.. :P only best thing was the time spent with my boy.. :)
Came back and slept for 2 hrs.. Now how do i consider it to be a festival.. :P
Finally made some good food, decorated my beautiful home, and myself too and saw PP burst crackers... very different day.. but end of it I was happy the way the day unfolded, and was happy with the unexpected surprises..

Monday, October 17, 2011

A passing thought!!

Never make lots of compromises.Never go an extra mile to keep someone happy. Because whatever you do they still find mistakes in you.. Lots of it.. If they love you U dont need to put extra efforts to prove.
The best way to be happy is to keep your own self happy.
Thats why bad and selfish people are always happy, they never try to keep anyone happy except themselves!!
Realizations are better, the earlier they happen. Sometimes U learn on ur own and sometimes U learn from others mistakes..

Monday, October 10, 2011


Today am feeling very strongly for the 'woman'.. I say The Woman coz i'm feeling for the entire womanhood.

The work they do. The caring souls they are. Doing daily wage just like a man.. taking extra tons of responsibilities. Taking crap to such a bad extent.. be it from parents or society or In-laws more specifically. But still loving their family.. loving and caring their husbands.. assuming husbands are their LIFE.. goshhh what not.. I just want to salute all the women who are so great and patient in life.. :) in tears for the greatness of THE WOMAN.. Not even sure if what I wrote makes sense.. :):)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Man v/s Woman

Men and women are on par in every field in these times. Do u agree or U don't??

I partially agree on this because for me the head of the family always remains a MAN. Taking consent of wife/family and considering her wants and desires while making a decision, a MAN still remains the 'KING at home'. This is the perfect way of living.

Just because of this vague statement that MEN and WOMEN are equal people misunderstand and make their own derivations out of this.
Women also stand in a line to get their passport done. There is no separate Q for Women. But if there is a reservation for a women in a bus. Doesn't it make sense. Should you just come to a conclusion that when men and women are equal why should they have reservation here? Is it not a gesture to offer anything good to a woman? Why do men always behave like cruel scary animals?

People with very less exposure, education  and worldly knowledge behave in such cheap way.

First of all, Do all of us know why women are dependent on men and men have always gone out to work??

Its purely because of their hormonal/body changes and because they had to bear kids. Men are physically strong and they went out hunting for animals to get food for their dependent family members, they were physically capable of climbing trees or breaking a rock, they could carry firewood and could bear the wear and tear of a jungle life. There started the trend of MAN being the breadwinner of the family and women being the dependent home maker. Because MEN earned they dominated on women, coz they were dependent, physically weak and women according to the men just sat back at home enjoying and doing nothing. If only men could undergo all the pains women bear, all of us would go out to work and make men sit and home and take care of kids.

Dont you think both genders equally contribute to a happy living and are they both not dependent on each other? Yes we are dependent on each other and we can proudly say that coz men are no greater than women.

In this generation, we are the women working outside and also making a home without asking for a help from the man and still happily manage to smile away even when being physically so down. Men need to just go out and work and now where the hell are we being dependent on men for earning bread butter jam.. or whatever?

Expectations after marriage increase probably 10000000 folds. A girl who lives a life of happiness and freedom before marriage is now all of a sudden from day 1 and call her new found in laws as mom and dad and take care of their entire family and finally be judged by all of them.. your good never gets noticed but your bad gets highlighted among all the useless relatives. Sometimes even the girls parents need to bear the brunt. Do they ever ask a guy, do u know cooking? why are you not smiling,  why are upset,  does your wife create tensions? and it goes on and on and on. Is there no concern for the girl who leaves behind all her family and comes to your family thinking you'll keep her happy?

People expect that you be a good wife but no one expects that a man also needs to be good.
You are expected to wake up and cook for your family, take care of kids, cook, pack, clean, work at office again back home repeat all the tasks.. gosh.. are women treated like humans? Let the men do all these for just 1 week to realize how easy or tough it is. And for those who think men are great let me tell that MEN are no better than women. We can manage office-home and strike a very good balance and keep our families happy but men cant.

I have friends who have kids but still they go to work so they can support their family well and bring up their kids in a better way and afford many things for their kids. Some women dont get any support from family(so called), they get up and cook for all and people at home dont even bother to help them. Because women/wives are considered to be SUPERWOMEN. If probed more they would even say, when I was newly married I used to cook for 8 people daily. But can we ask back that does it mean you need to torture us and why they dint teach any good habits to their sons. Probably because their husbands never helped them. Finally for a woman no can love her like her parents loved her. She always remains a princess to her parents and need be only her parents help her out in life.

There are women who try to be useless and lazy, who just graduate to get a good and well settled guy but 90% of the women are good. They are physically, emotionally and mentally much stronger than MEN. Dont compare the 90 with some useless 10% women and declare WOMEN are dependent and who need easy life.

Friends, this is nothing against a particular person/family/a man. I'm just generalizing things to show what happens with women and how the world treats them.. Rather ill-treats them.
I lead a beautiful married life but not all women do. I'm not sure of my tomorrow and i'm not worried about it now. But its very saddening to see women suffer in all ways of life.. and the world still thinks MEN are great!!!

I pray for the well being of all the women, working mothers and all the rest. Hope all remain strong, healthy and independent.
Life doesn't end without a man. The one who treats you well today, might not be the same tomorrow. Hence, keep yourself engaged, learn new things and try and be independent.

Also sharing a good link on TOI:


Monday, September 12, 2011

Time Flies!

My Life right now revolves around Office work.. Home making.. Cooking .. shopping.. Reading newspaper and books.. Atleast 30 minutes of TV for some good cooking/knowledge gathering programs.. some exercise ..some walk.. and now am looking to afford some time to learn a new skill..

Weekends are so relaxing.. Sometimes spending time alone, doing things slowly which is a rarity in my case.. Sometimes doing a lot of house chores..Sometimes meeting friends and having fun. Love to spend time at my lovely home and love to have friends at my home..

Life is so simple right now with things keeping me so busy always and so very peaceful.. Life has changed so much in the recent past and am sure it will keep changing throughout. Only when I'm busy I love my life. Hope I will never get to be IDLE.

Feels like just yesterday I heard the news of WTC blast and its already a decade old and I'm 10 years older.

My Busy life just made me realize.. TIME FLIES!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Things that I avoid doing or being!

  • Hurting good souls
  • Plagiarism
  • Lazy and useless people
  • Nasty people
  • Demotivating talks
  • Talking wrong at the wrong place and time
  • Bad table manners
  • Ugly civic sense
  • Escapist
  • Using people for ones’ benefits
  • A non daring MAN :P and a lazy woman
  • Being Ambition-less
  • Gossiping about people
  • Changing for bad
  • Not learning from mistakes
  • Littering in public places
  • Commenting on things around and not doing anything about it!
  • Not learning new things
  • Being unapproachable
  • Blaming others for my mistakes
The list goes on !! I try my best to avoid being all these.. No offense to anyone who fits into any of the above :P:P. I wouldn’t care/like/dislike people who have many of these combinations because I don’t believing in judging, as long as there is no interference into my life.. Am all happy with my life and with the things around me and people around me! And I do not concentrate on the negatives in life.. Writing this to just remind myself of what I should not be doing. 

Keep looking for what you like and not what you dont like :):) and you will definitely be happy, because Happiness or sadness is just a state of mind..

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Memories revisted on this special day!

As a kid Gowri Puja and Ganesh Chaturthi used to be my favourite festival as am a great fan of Lord Ganesha ;). Keeping Ganesh-Gowri Idol at home.. Decorating the home (this being my most fun filled activity). Lots of good food by mum, the special being Kadbu(Modak),new dress and finally Visiting Pandals. I would go see Celabrations at friends' place.
Kids of all ages would come home to see our Ganesha at home, all of them together saying Shri Vidya Ganapathi ki Jai!!!!! I would then distribute some home made sweet to who ever comes home to visit the Lord. Visit Ganesh Temple in the evening and also Pandals where there would be Music Orchestra organized for which even my dad would have contributed some money.

This festive mood would go on for the entire month and I would completely love it.

But this year, the year which is 2011, am just happy that its a holiday, am at home without even visiting mum and sis after 100 Invitations from them, made quite a good meal for husband, took a nap of 4 hrs, lazed around reading a book  and have not stepped out of my home!Dint bother to buy a new dress coz I buy them almost every other week for no reason and i'm completely happy the way I spent my day.

Now this makes me wonder, am I bored of the celebrations or am I just growing old.. :):):)

Happy Gowri-Ganesh Chaturthi to all of you. Hope you all spent your day in your own unique way!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Positive Thinking!

A great person once said.. I don’t believe in luck I believe in ……. Fill the words u want. J

Ive realized with age that whatever we have achieved or not achieved is what we have attracted into our lives and there is nothing called Luck. I do not completely deny there is no luck but its mostly our hard work which brings in good fortune.

Your thoughts turn into reality. You think money, relation, marriage, status and all of this comes into your lives. For example, If you think of having a great marriage life U will surely have. But if u think u are having a bad marriage thats purely because you deserve to live ur thoughts. Sometimes when you think good and bad happens, we should just assume that whatever happens is for our betterment.

Point is you think positive and it happens and if you think any negative … then only negative happens. Ive always adored this book by name ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne and this is treated a Bible by people who want to attract good into their lives.

Some bad things has happened to me too and now Ive realized that its probably coz of my bad thinking. Getting over such things and considering the incidents and people as UNWANTED and moving on is smartness. I love to learn from my mistakes and that’s The Secret of Life!!

Its never easy to attract good all the time. But neither is it Impossible. Experiences teach great lessons and then one starts implementing these lessons. What we have thought yesterday is what is happening today. Hence never think negative and never get influenced by people around you! Attract only good into your lives.

This piece of gyan/write up is a mix of my personal experiences and the book ‘The Secret’.
Sorry for any unintentional plagiarism!!

Be Positive, think good, be good and let success be all yours.


A letter by a female employee to her company security!

Hi Security team,

This is Anamika and I work with this company for 2 yrs.
I’m writing to you regarding the Mishap that happened with me today morning at the main gate of our office building right in front of the many securities of our company!

I arrived at the main gate in my car around 9:30 and right in front of our gate was a Milk Van blocking way from entering inside. While I was waiting for the vehicle to move, I had put the indicator On and was on to the extreme left and I heard a sudden dhud on my car. I got down to see it was an auto driver who banged my car from backside and to top it all he staretd fighting with me saying I suddenly applied break and it was my mistake. I was taken aback by his behaviour and definietly couldnot expect any better from a auto driver. While I was arguing with him in a decent manner that it was his mistake a big group of autowalas gathered to support him and I was fighting it all alone. They snatched my keys away and were surrounded around my car not letting me get out and using all abusive words for no mistake of mine. It was the scariest experience and all this happened right in front of our office in front of the SECURITY GAURDS of our company and no one even came forward to sort out issues.They look into whether an employee displays an ID card or not and there ends their duties.

The whole country is fighting to stop corruption and there are some who are so insensitive to even come forward to support a girl being called the people who are meant to secure the campus and the employees.
I had to reach till the police station with my father to resort the matter.The police themselves behaved weird and sweetly told the auto guy that it was his mistake and tried to convince us to stop this matter right away.

All I’m trying to convey is
1>    why not work towards stopping these auto fellows from parking in front of our office and
2>    why not convey to entire employees not to get down in front of the main gate and to stop the autos a little away from main gate.
3>    Also putting up a notice about this incident on every floor of ours would keep the female employees aware who come on bike or car and am sure employees will stop getting down at the main gate from autos.

Its nothing new that the auto drivers are sometimes very cheap and rowdy types. Now what guarantee that they will not have my car number and try attack me again intentionally for the sole reason that I dint do any mistake.
 Now should I blame the security or the dirty auto walas of the the city or the educated crowd that I belong to.

Please let me know what action will the SECURITY take against this and stop this from happening to another female employee. Or should we stop getting on the roads with our personal vehicles.

This is one great chance to stop a little Crime or Corruption from our side.
I would like to see your positive reply.

For more details you may also call me on my extension.

Friends this is a true story and please let me know your opinion on what steps need to be taken to stop this kinda corruption Specially when its the WOMAN who is undergoing this!

Monday, August 1, 2011

No gain only Pain!!

I hope that writing more about pain doesnt attract some more of it into ones life.
I have been in pain last 32 hours to be precise. I have the worst pain possible. Probably nothing can hurt more than this. MIGRAINE. Only the ones who have it know it and I wish that not even an enemy should get this.
I can hardly speak.. I hate light.. I hate anything loud around.. cant sleep, I have to sit up all night all day and I just cant move my body and my mind goes completely blank. I almost witness what death is when I have a migraine. When in pain I just thought nothing matters no one matters.. I just want to get back to normal health. I feel I dont care if no one loves me I dont care if I have a job or not I dont want anything I will not desire for anything but please relieve me of this pain.
I have felt that Migrain is worse than labour pain. Labour is just one time and migrain is not. Its been a ghost in my life which probably will never die.
I just want to be out of it permanently.. :(:(:( If I see God and he grants me a wish, I wouldnt ask for a wand or for a magic mask I will just ask him to take away my Migraine.. Coz pains are just so painful!!

Feeling so good that for today am out of this pain..
Signing off with no pains and all SMILES.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

In love with Life all over again...

Today is the day I was born and today is the day I want to declare that i'm happier than ever..  I still shop for my Bday.. I still invite this day the way I did 10 yrs back.. Life is getting better like an old wine..
It is just perfectly beautiful and i'm enjoying every bit of it.. LIFE ROCKS!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lunch Dabba!!!!!

The topic says clearly what am talking about .. This reminds me of my school days .. the happy days where I would wait for lunch break, to see what mum has packed, to share with friends, and to have a great time sharing and eating variety of food.

I have been quite forgetful of my belongings right from childhood, I would have lost N no of lunch bags and N+1 no of chappals. Chappals I would lose while I go out to play, and play bare foot and finally lose the chappal God knows where.. :(

Very few times or rather never have I been scolded for it.
I would go back home from school and get reminded I left my lunch bag at school or at the bus stop or again God knows where else. I would come back home with a fear to get thrashed but I would be happier as I wouldnt get scolded.
Many times I have lost and found and many times Ive plainly lost. Let me tell you Ive never lost it intentionally to get a new one. But once lost I would start imagining what type of new box or waterbottle or Chappal I would buy :P:P:P Cmon.. I was a kid afterall..

Yesterday I lost a newly bought tupperware set with bag in the rickshaw and I realised it only today morning (Coz there is No mom to ask me where it was as soon as I came home:P). Better late than never I atleast realized :P
The very next moment I was in tears and thought I will not forgive myself for this. But as a kid I never cried for it or never felt very bad about it.

Two things here. One I had probably bought this new tupperware set with my own money and as I kid my dad always splurged on these.
Two, I'm feeling very guilty for losing it and my parents never made me feel that I did any wrong.
Finally, after losing a 800bucks worth box I consoled myself, smiled and said, probably the auto guy would give it to his little school going gal and she would enjoy her meal and probably she would thank to whoever left the box for her in her Dad's auto. I can imagine her happiness when she gets a new dabba from her dad just like the way I always got one from my dad.. :):):). This very thought makes me feel very happy.

To end this, Ive forgiven myself as I imagine one little gal using the plush tuperware set :):)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Friend!

I have a friend with whom I have spent some amazing and unforgettable times of this life.

When I first saw the friend in 1998 (may be June to be precise) in the bus stop I thought he/she was a very arrogant. Met the same friend in the same class as mine in college. As I was always the one to acknowledge people and say Hi. I tried doing that to this person.

But, was disappointed to get no good response. My impression about this person was not too good initially.

But we were in the same class and slowly caught up with each other quite well and became close very quickly. We used to go together to college and come back together. Share a cup of sugarcane juice in our 16th yr :). Started meeting up close to home. Started visiting each other’s home.  Started eating at each others home and finally just started being together as much as possible. This friend is quite weird/different (whichever sounds better), but I love my friend.
We bunked classes together. We hanged out together... be it a local chat centre or a plush lunch at any shanti sagar we were always  together sharing food sharing bills :P.
Then time flew we changed college ... We were still very close upto a point then suddenly lost touch…
Now after almost 7 yrs we are back in touch…Both of us are married... Both of us are quite settled and happy with life…
And today I relive those lovely teenage days with my dear friend... And am just super thrilled to see my frnd being just the same…
the same simple yet complicated person... :):)... Very frank… straight on face ... very pretty... mature and has a  million dollar smile :)

This day turns out to be a very special day as my dear frnd turns an year older or an year younger as am back in her life :P:P (being humble!). This day is 28th June 2011.
And I just want to declare that I love my frnd coz she is just too lovely.
Many happy returns to my dear frnd Priyanka. May you be happy... successful both personally and professionally.. healthy and I wish to see the same bubbly gal always for many many more years... may be atleast 70 more :)


Firstly am not an expert in writing. All I do is spill my heart out!
My new fetish is to start writing.
Writing my feelings my experiences, my happiness, my hatred, my emotions, my thoughts, all in all a biography in motion with no fake mask on it!
The first topic I’m choosing is LOVE!!
For the simple reason that love is the thing which has got a new meaning to my life.
Though I cannot define what love is, all I know about it is, It keeps me going. Makes me feel happy about life. Makes me look beautiful. Makes me have only positive thoughts on mind and makes me give more and expect less.. I celebrate life with love.
I’ve always been a chirpy, funny, talkative gal, but trust me I have had my own insecurities and reasons to be sad about life.. though am a lazy girl to be sad for longer or to hold grudges. This love has made me feel just happy and positive about everything in life and makes me do what my heart says right.. and just do the best J
It makes me more confident about anything I do. Makes me good.. some more.. :P
I never dreamt of a prince charming during my growing up years nor was I desperate to fall in Love, neither thought of marriage just as any teenage would think or dream.
If marriage is such a beautiful thing for me now, its solely because I madly love this man and every time I get reminded of the fact that we are bonded for life with this societal thing called marriage, I smile and I have no words to describe how Happy, proud and contended I feel about life..
If there was no Love there would not have been a happy marriage for me.. (Considering my views about life, my principles and my little high self respect)
Ive grown so much in so less years , since I’ve seen this man and met him and been with him that I almost conclude that people who are not in love can’t grow in life nor think high or do good to another human and not even achieve half of what they are capable of... May be I’m wrong.. but for me caring, sharing, living for another person for whom you can do anything in this world is LIFE... Just anything…It makes life worthwhile.
My Love.. My lover.. My boyfriend.. and now who turned into my husband. Thanks to this single soul which has made me realise the deepest meaning of love and made me be positive and strong as a person as a woman..
I ask myself- DO I need riches? do I need a bungalow? Do I need to change job to get more bucks? Do I need the fancy world? Do I need any show off in life? My heart says NO. All I need is my Love.. My life, which aptly puts things in place for me.
If there is GOD I thank him for just one thing.. for giving me this reason to live.. My Love .. My sonu…. Who taught me to live life to the fullest.
You are my living Angel..Thanks for being what you are.
Friends, I hope I seriously did speak about LOVE!!!!

Love never Fades

There used to be a time when I would get excited to know there is a new email in my inbox.. get anxious if my cell beeps with a new message and my heart skipped a beat when I saw that someone special..
There is this day where I still feel the same anxiety and my heart still skips a beat to see him from among the crowd or when my door bell rings in the late evening...

Here I'm married to the MAN himself and still having all the feelings which I used to have while I was dating him..

I still love him the same way or rather love increases exponentially on a daily basis.. whether am low.. am sad.. am angry.. am busy.. whatever am into I still love him MADLY..

Feels great !!!!!!

Pains cant be shared!

I'm down with back pain for 5 days and only now Ive realized how important ones health is.
People love, people care, people accept your mistakes, people show sympathy, but at the fag end no one can share your pains. Happiness can be shared but not pain.

I wish there was a minutest chance of sharing pains, I would happily share it among people around me coz I have realized what pain means. Lying back at home being unable to do any work , being dependent for every small work, house chores being neglected, feeling hungry but unable to cook much, being away from mum on whom I would throw tantrums when I used to be sick, has just made me realize many things in life. Learnt many lessons in the last 5 days.
Being quite a fitness freak I'm down with pain and my humble suggestion to all working women/otherwise to eat well, eat right, work out and just take care of your health completely.
Your spouse /parents might love you lots but finally NO ONE CAN SHARE YOUR PAINS and when in pain you hate to get any sympathy!!!!!


Its that part of the year when u r evaluated for all the wrong and the lil good u have done for the past 365 days.

Appraisals are as important as my 10th class because we would beg and plead for a double-digit score in tests just to smile away for one extra marks we scored compared to our rival in the class.

In schools and college we got evaluated thru tests and marks cards. In childhood by parents and siblings and ofcourse the unwanted relatives.after marriage till we die we get evaluated by husband, his family, his relatives and then our kids and so on…In office by people above us. Is their any point in life when we r not evaluated for whatever we do??

Its only when I filled in my appraisal today I realized how badly we are always been pin pointed for all wrong and not given any credit for all the good we do.. We always did just what the society or family would accept it as good. And the trend continues. Even with 20 yrs of solid education and exposures to different things we still get appraised by others and we still bother about it in every aspect of life personally and professionally.

Gals may be we are called the modern, educated, super women with multi tasking abilities which are way above men’s capability but still its just we who are always eveluated in life. Its just we who are expected to accept every unwanted and undesired change in life with a big SMILE. If just being all this makes me a WOMAN then I seriously think am not happy being a woman.

With probably more than half my life gone into acquiring qualities as expected by OTHERS I’m just thinking.

Can we ever change this view of life??? Can we ever live without doing things for others. Can we also be a little narcicist?

Being an aunt is being a mother

After a break of 8 days I went to meet Dhri at my dad's place. I had just come back with a hectic but fun filled trip to goa celebrating my second anniversary:). HOT WEATHER.. tiring journey. angry on many things(all external stimulants) which is probably a sign of ageing.Lost few material possesions of mine and after all this nothing seemed better than meeting my parents and my kids (Dee and Dhri).

Had taken an auto from the yeshwantpur railway station to go home in the afternoon and was damn hungry. While in the auto I was quite upset and furious with all of the that had happened. Also heard on phone that Dhri was crying lots for about 30 mins and mom and dad were helpless and they cried too unable to understand why she was crying.

when i entered the house my mood just tossed. My eyes just focussed on her and nothing else, no one else and the minute she realised I was there. she went yapping maa maaa maaaa maaa (around 10 times), climbed on me and just hugged me tight and slept on my shoulders and smiled away like mad.. I wass so bloody moved that my eyes watered and my parents were so happy to see that change in a crying baby. The tear stains were still on her cheeks. May be she will not love me the same way when she grows up. But thats acceptable.

For now, Probably she doesnt even realize who I actually am but she knew I was so close to her and I love her and I could make her feel better. Nothing more than a kids' trust and love can make anyone so proud. I felt so very happy that minute and had already forgotten all the pains back from my trip. :):) She makes me fall in love with life again and everytime I just think of the way she hugged me so tight.. I just smile and realise .. its so great to be a MOTHER or an AUNT in my case..

We being old and experienced we find follies in our loved ones and pick up a fight or find a reason to crib or be unhappy. Its only when u meet angels u realize whats important in life and whats not. Love is eternal and just the only thing that can spread happyness

Love u my baby!