Monday, August 22, 2011

Positive Thinking!

A great person once said.. I don’t believe in luck I believe in ……. Fill the words u want. J

Ive realized with age that whatever we have achieved or not achieved is what we have attracted into our lives and there is nothing called Luck. I do not completely deny there is no luck but its mostly our hard work which brings in good fortune.

Your thoughts turn into reality. You think money, relation, marriage, status and all of this comes into your lives. For example, If you think of having a great marriage life U will surely have. But if u think u are having a bad marriage thats purely because you deserve to live ur thoughts. Sometimes when you think good and bad happens, we should just assume that whatever happens is for our betterment.

Point is you think positive and it happens and if you think any negative … then only negative happens. Ive always adored this book by name ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne and this is treated a Bible by people who want to attract good into their lives.

Some bad things has happened to me too and now Ive realized that its probably coz of my bad thinking. Getting over such things and considering the incidents and people as UNWANTED and moving on is smartness. I love to learn from my mistakes and that’s The Secret of Life!!

Its never easy to attract good all the time. But neither is it Impossible. Experiences teach great lessons and then one starts implementing these lessons. What we have thought yesterday is what is happening today. Hence never think negative and never get influenced by people around you! Attract only good into your lives.

This piece of gyan/write up is a mix of my personal experiences and the book ‘The Secret’.
Sorry for any unintentional plagiarism!!

Be Positive, think good, be good and let success be all yours.

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