Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Memories revisted on this special day!

As a kid Gowri Puja and Ganesh Chaturthi used to be my favourite festival as am a great fan of Lord Ganesha ;). Keeping Ganesh-Gowri Idol at home.. Decorating the home (this being my most fun filled activity). Lots of good food by mum, the special being Kadbu(Modak),new dress and finally Visiting Pandals. I would go see Celabrations at friends' place.
Kids of all ages would come home to see our Ganesha at home, all of them together saying Shri Vidya Ganapathi ki Jai!!!!! I would then distribute some home made sweet to who ever comes home to visit the Lord. Visit Ganesh Temple in the evening and also Pandals where there would be Music Orchestra organized for which even my dad would have contributed some money.

This festive mood would go on for the entire month and I would completely love it.

But this year, the year which is 2011, am just happy that its a holiday, am at home without even visiting mum and sis after 100 Invitations from them, made quite a good meal for husband, took a nap of 4 hrs, lazed around reading a book  and have not stepped out of my home!Dint bother to buy a new dress coz I buy them almost every other week for no reason and i'm completely happy the way I spent my day.

Now this makes me wonder, am I bored of the celebrations or am I just growing old.. :):):)

Happy Gowri-Ganesh Chaturthi to all of you. Hope you all spent your day in your own unique way!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post..Glad that you had a restful day.
