Thursday, September 15, 2011

Man v/s Woman

Men and women are on par in every field in these times. Do u agree or U don't??

I partially agree on this because for me the head of the family always remains a MAN. Taking consent of wife/family and considering her wants and desires while making a decision, a MAN still remains the 'KING at home'. This is the perfect way of living.

Just because of this vague statement that MEN and WOMEN are equal people misunderstand and make their own derivations out of this.
Women also stand in a line to get their passport done. There is no separate Q for Women. But if there is a reservation for a women in a bus. Doesn't it make sense. Should you just come to a conclusion that when men and women are equal why should they have reservation here? Is it not a gesture to offer anything good to a woman? Why do men always behave like cruel scary animals?

People with very less exposure, education  and worldly knowledge behave in such cheap way.

First of all, Do all of us know why women are dependent on men and men have always gone out to work??

Its purely because of their hormonal/body changes and because they had to bear kids. Men are physically strong and they went out hunting for animals to get food for their dependent family members, they were physically capable of climbing trees or breaking a rock, they could carry firewood and could bear the wear and tear of a jungle life. There started the trend of MAN being the breadwinner of the family and women being the dependent home maker. Because MEN earned they dominated on women, coz they were dependent, physically weak and women according to the men just sat back at home enjoying and doing nothing. If only men could undergo all the pains women bear, all of us would go out to work and make men sit and home and take care of kids.

Dont you think both genders equally contribute to a happy living and are they both not dependent on each other? Yes we are dependent on each other and we can proudly say that coz men are no greater than women.

In this generation, we are the women working outside and also making a home without asking for a help from the man and still happily manage to smile away even when being physically so down. Men need to just go out and work and now where the hell are we being dependent on men for earning bread butter jam.. or whatever?

Expectations after marriage increase probably 10000000 folds. A girl who lives a life of happiness and freedom before marriage is now all of a sudden from day 1 and call her new found in laws as mom and dad and take care of their entire family and finally be judged by all of them.. your good never gets noticed but your bad gets highlighted among all the useless relatives. Sometimes even the girls parents need to bear the brunt. Do they ever ask a guy, do u know cooking? why are you not smiling,  why are upset,  does your wife create tensions? and it goes on and on and on. Is there no concern for the girl who leaves behind all her family and comes to your family thinking you'll keep her happy?

People expect that you be a good wife but no one expects that a man also needs to be good.
You are expected to wake up and cook for your family, take care of kids, cook, pack, clean, work at office again back home repeat all the tasks.. gosh.. are women treated like humans? Let the men do all these for just 1 week to realize how easy or tough it is. And for those who think men are great let me tell that MEN are no better than women. We can manage office-home and strike a very good balance and keep our families happy but men cant.

I have friends who have kids but still they go to work so they can support their family well and bring up their kids in a better way and afford many things for their kids. Some women dont get any support from family(so called), they get up and cook for all and people at home dont even bother to help them. Because women/wives are considered to be SUPERWOMEN. If probed more they would even say, when I was newly married I used to cook for 8 people daily. But can we ask back that does it mean you need to torture us and why they dint teach any good habits to their sons. Probably because their husbands never helped them. Finally for a woman no can love her like her parents loved her. She always remains a princess to her parents and need be only her parents help her out in life.

There are women who try to be useless and lazy, who just graduate to get a good and well settled guy but 90% of the women are good. They are physically, emotionally and mentally much stronger than MEN. Dont compare the 90 with some useless 10% women and declare WOMEN are dependent and who need easy life.

Friends, this is nothing against a particular person/family/a man. I'm just generalizing things to show what happens with women and how the world treats them.. Rather ill-treats them.
I lead a beautiful married life but not all women do. I'm not sure of my tomorrow and i'm not worried about it now. But its very saddening to see women suffer in all ways of life.. and the world still thinks MEN are great!!!

I pray for the well being of all the women, working mothers and all the rest. Hope all remain strong, healthy and independent.
Life doesn't end without a man. The one who treats you well today, might not be the same tomorrow. Hence, keep yourself engaged, learn new things and try and be independent.

Also sharing a good link on TOI:


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