Monday, April 9, 2012


An idle Man's Mind is a devil's workshop.. How well said.. I have an extension to this considering the current gen Women being given equal opportunities and acceptance in society.

"An idle Man's Mind is a devil's workshop, and an Idle woman is a devil in herself"! I dont care if you believe in it or not but this is what I feel from my interactions with different kind of people.

Women are generally lost in useless discussions when they are jobless, Watch unwanted soap operas, talk rubbish and crib lots and complain about their male counterparts that they do not afford to spend enough time for them. The point being they have all the time in the world for fun. Being jobless outside house doesn't mean you should be idle at home. Learn to inculcate few good habits, create hobbies and
study more. It becomes very tough for people around to have any quality discussion with such women.
Men can sit idle thinking about nothing, but a woman's mind never stops working. They keep thinking and thinking useless things and hence the more they get involved in things and be engaged the better it is for them.

I see housewives who are my friends and I know how very well they utilize their times. At the same time I have known few other women, who dont work outside, who cant find lots of work at home and become boring and talk useless stuff.

My humble suggestions to the guys being, learn to keep your wive/mother/girl friend/sister engaged in quality things. May be they will hate you for a while for being forced into things, but soon they too will realize their worth!

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