Wednesday, July 11, 2012

You made a mistake not Me!! Does Life become easy when I say so??

For normal people, its easy to cry for what they are not getting, crib about the people around and the situations, complain about people being rude or selfish, talk big about how great they are and how selfless and perfect they are :)
This is genuinely neat as most of us would fall under this category. The gaudy show off of oneself. If only we could learn from the surroundings and people we realize how precious LIFE on earth is and we would all make it a better place to live in.
If most of us aren't like what I have tried describing above then all the self realization and Sri Sri Sri Ravishankar schools for reinventing oneself would stop making business. Everyone would be spiritual and no one would face problems in this so called short LIFE.

But how often we meet people, who actaully are by nature good enough to handle this bumpy ride of life? Who carry a SMILE whatever the situation may be? Probably very few. because it is not easy to mend our thoughts and actions. But some do it willingly and consciously so they lead a peaceful LIFE here on earth. And i totally dont buy the idea that there is some LIFE after LIFE :)

I live with a Man who has so many good qualities (and also bad) and I love to be positive about what I look at. I get to learn lots from him daily. The patience he has always, the calmness he potrays, the attitude he has towards life, the happy guy he is come what may, the tough situations he handles, the never blame others attitude. The daring and caring guy he is.Live and let live policies. Wow.. I can go on and on..

Dont mind that i'm praising my love.. I love him beacause of the Character that he is. Because when he came into my life I dint see his family background or his richness, his degree or the money he draws. I love him coz of the MAN he is, not because he fit into all the marriage criteria. I knew all the plus and the minus of him and embraced both with the same love.

Just not to divert , my concern here is our capacity to get influenced by goodness of someone, ignoring the negetivities which doesnt matter to us :):) and agreeing to disagree is a great quality which we should imbibe in our lives and realize that the wrong we point out in others can be a quality in us too!


  1. Beautiful..can really see the love between you two..most perfect couple I have come across. Stay this way forever :)

  2. oops.. thats a huge compliment difficult to accept ..but thanks :)
