Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I wish!!

I'm just feeling elated today.. probably because I'm tired of thinking about work, about future and in general about life. I have probably realized that I should live one day at a time and this doesnt ensure I will stop fretting about things. This is just momentary and this moment I'm happy. Being happy is a state of mind and I'm thinking on below things which is making my heart feel light.

Happy thinking that there would be a day when I will not have to worry about working just because I need to earn some bucks, a day which I will plan on my own based on my moods, a day where I plan to just have fun, probably which includes meeting old friends and catching up on some old times spent together, going on a trip with them where we just laugh and have fun and not bother baout husbands back home or kids. A day where I will just get to be with my nieces Dee and Dhri.. Take them out on a long drive playing some lovely music of their choice. Buy them everything that they want.. literally everything they want and pamper them with all the food they like be it chocolates, ice cream or burger. A day which I can claim the best is the one where I can go on a trip with my mum. Probably thats not one day but a week, without bothering about who cooks for my dad back home. I would love if this day comes true as I find my mum to be my best company ever. A day  where I'm home with my dad, just me and him and make all good food for him everything that he wishes to have and play a round of carrom with him.
A day I just go to some huge library and read books all day till I get tired of it. A day I can go shopping all alone without having to bother on whats my bank balance and ofcourse not having my cell phone with me. A day where is spend in a creche playing with kids and taking care of them. A day where I'm living on top of a snow capped mountain, settled there and running a small restaurant along with my lover boy and we are all aloof, staying by ourself and being contended with life. A day where I'm doing some service to the society, probably teaching poor kids or doing some kind of service to an orphanage or an old age home. A day where I'm happily contributing some time, money and effort to make the place I'm living in a better one for myself and for the others. A day where I'm a successful business woman on a small scale, may be running a fashion boutique or a small restaurant or a kindergarden.

Wow.. Many thoughts crossing by, but I want to ink the ones which are so fresh on mind, so that I read it sometime later in life and feel happy about my own thinking.

But coming back to reality, realizing that I'm not loving what I'm doing right now and that I need to put hell lot of effort  to get what I want and to get rid of all the ugly thoughts and people out of my life, I'm just feeling that LIFE actually is not bed of roses!! Its only the Love I get from my sweet husband and my family and friends that keeps me competant in this race.

I wish I can make things better for myself and lead the life that I dream of!!

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